
Configuration of peripherals connected to GPIO pins.
Details are described in the commands' help.
Each peripheral has its own command.

-Serial Port
-TM1637 seven-segment LED display
-HD44780 LCD display
-SSD1306, SSH1106 OLED display
-WS2812 digital RGB LED strip
-Rotary Encoder input device
-DS18xXX Dallas OneWire thermometer
-DHT11, DHT22 temperature, humidity sensor
-DS3231, DS1302, DS1307 clock
-Frequency meter
-MFRC522 NFC reader/writer
-RDM6300 RFID reader
-RFID TAG emulator coil
-INMP441 digital microphone
-PCF8574 port expander
-AC DIMMER thyristor controller
-APDS9960 gesture, distance, light sensor

-Power: Standby power control.
-Debug: If set to LOW, disable preboot.txt, boot.txt, and MCONFIG.tar.