You can control WS2812/WS2812B LED strips/rings/bars with the STRIP command.
The DATA pin can be configured in the Setup/Peripheral menu. In the 5V position, the controller output is in OpenDrain mode,
and a 1k pull-up resistor is required between the 5V DATA. When using many LEDs,
ground and power should be connected to both ends of the strip, powered by an appropriate power supply.
External power and USB cannot be used simultaneously!
The colors of the LEDs can be specified in RRGGBB hex format. For example: FF00FF = purple. A # character can precede it.
Half brightness. Valid: 0-255
Brightness: 20
The brightness will not be allowed to go below this setting for the LEDs (BR). For example, orange color will not distort. Valid range: 0-255
Entire strip is red.
Front of strip is green, end is red.
Front of strip is blue, end is red. Green 20. Valid: 0-255
Entire strip is white.
1st LED is green. Numbering starts from 0. Other LEDs remain unchanged.
2nd LED is yellow, others are turned off.
LEDs 0-5 are green, others remain unchanged.
LEDs 2-8 are white, others are turned off.
First 8 LEDs are blue, others are turned off.
LEDs 0-4 are rainbow-colored, others are turned off.
Effect: Detailed in the list below.
Speed: Flashing speed in milliseconds. Not mandatory for all effects.
,R: Reverse direction. Optional.
COLOR1,COLOR2: Colors for the effect. Not mandatory for all effects.
This cannot be explained better, you have to try it out...
Police lights
I don't know what this is, but it's cool.
0. Static - No blinking. Just plain old static light.
1. Blink - Normal blinking. 50% on/off time.
2. Breath - Does the "standby-breathing" of well known i-Devices. Fixed Speed.
3. Color Wipe - Lights all LEDs after each other up. Then turns them in that order off. Repeat.
4. Color Wipe Inverse - Same as Color Wipe, except swaps on/off colors.
5. Color Wipe Reverse - Lights all LEDs after each other up. Then turns them in reverse order off. Repeat.
6. Color Wipe Reverse Inverse - Same as Color Wipe Reverse, except swaps on/off colors.
7. Color Wipe Random - Turns all LEDs after each other to a random color. Then starts over with another color.
8. Random Color - Lights all LEDs in one random color up. Then switches them to the next random color.
9. Single Dynamic - Lights every LED in a random color. Changes one random LED after the other to a random.
10. Multi Dynamic - Lights every LED in a random color. Changes all LED at the same time to new random colors.
11. Rainbow - Cycles all LEDs at once through a rainbow.
12. Rainbow Cycle - Cycles a rainbow over the entire string of LEDs.
13. Scan - Runs a single pixel back and forth.
14. Dual Scan - Runs two pixel back and forth in opposite directions.
15. Fade - Fades the LEDs on and (almost) off again.
16. Theater Chase - Theatre-style crawling lights. Inspired by the Adafruit examples.
17. Theater Chase Rainbow - Theatre-style crawling lights with rainbow effect.
18. Running Lights - Running lights effect with smooth sine transition.
19. Twinkle - Blink several LEDs on, reset, repeat.
20. Twinkle Random - Blink several LEDs in random colors on, reset, repeat.
21. Twinkle Fade - Blink several LEDs on, fading out.
22. Twinkle Fade Random - Blink several LEDs in random colors on, fading out.
23. Sparkle - Blinks one LED at a time.
24. Flash Sparkle - Lights all LEDs in the selected color. Flashes single white pixels randomly.
25. Hyper Sparkle - Like flash sparkle. With more flash.
26. Strobe - Classic Strobe effect.
27. Strobe Rainbow - Classic Strobe effect. Cycling through the rainbow.
28. Multi Strobe - Strobe effect with different strobe count and pause, controlled by speed setting.
29. Blink Rainbow - Classic Blink effect. Cycling through the rainbow.
30. Chase White - Color running on white.
31. Chase Color - White running on color.
32. Chase Random - White running followed by random color.
33. Chase Rainbow - White running on rainbow.
34. Chase Flash - White flashes running on color.
35. Chase Flash Random - White flashes running, followed by random color.
36. Chase Rainbow White - Rainbow running on white.
37. Chase Blackout - Black running on color.
38. Chase Blackout Rainbow - Black running on rainbow.
39. Color Sweep Random - Random color introduced alternating from start and end of strip.
40. Running Color - Alternating color/white pixels running.
41. Running Red Blue - Alternating red/blue pixels running.
42. Running Random - Random colored pixels running.
43. Larson Scanner - K.I.T.T.
44. Comet - Firing comets from one end.
45. Fireworks - Firework sparks.
46. Fireworks Random - Random colored firework sparks.
47. Merry Christmas - Alternating green/red pixels running.
48. Fire Flicker - Fire flickering effect. Like in harsh wind.
49. Fire Flicker (soft) - Fire flickering effect. Runs slower/softer.
50. Fire Flicker (intense) - Fire flickering effect. More range of color.
51. Circus Combustus - Alternating white/red/black pixels running.
52. Halloween - Alternating orange/purple pixels running.
53. Bicolor Chase - Two LEDs running on a background color.
54. Tricolor Chase - Alternating three color pixels running.
55. TwinkleFOX - Lights fading in and out randomly.